24 September 2012

Thinking Of Home

I have a little over a month left here, before I head home for a month and then start at whichever new position I find here.  Knowing that I get to be home soon and that I get to see all the people, and animals, I have been missing so badly while I have been here, is making me miss them all the more.  Before I got my plane ticket settled and the actual time I am arriving home set up, all I could think about was how I was going to miss the people here and the place and my apartment.  As soon as that ticket was set and going home made official, I couldn't wait to get home to everyone.  Here is a rundown of how I am hoping to have things go...

I get to chicago at about 5 pm on Monday, And get picked up at the airport by my parents. That night I hang out with the fam and the fuzzy little monsters waiting for me.  I am hoping that Lucy doesn't freak and pretend she doesn't know who I am.  The cats will probably be indifferent or freaked out.  That night, I am taking a bath, making food in a real oven, and washing AND drying my clothing.  The next week, I will visit my friends in the area, hang out with family, and do some serious shopping.
That weekend I am hoping to borrow my mom's car and go to see Jess for awhile.  Need to get in some serious Jess time, with goodwill, wine, and watching random stuff on tv.  Super excited for that.  
The following two weeks will be shopping, seeing the rest of the family, Thanksgiving, and spending as much time as possible with my pets.  
In December I will be heading back to Korea, to a new school, new apartment, and new people for a year.  After I finish the next year, it is travel time for me for awhile then home and back to the real world of job searches and such.  

18 September 2012

A Year In A Few Months

First off, obviously my plans to write more often have fallen through.  The past few months have been completely up and down in every part of my life.  Most of this will be kept to myself and a select few, but there are a few things I want to update my faithful readers on.

  • I will be returning to Korea for a second year.  I have had a great, if sometimes emotionally draining, time here.  Anyone who is looking for a change with good pay, check out teaching here.  I was originally going to resign with my current academy, but due to a few disagreements about my contract, I am going to find a different school to work at for the next year. 
  • I will be home for a month in November, and I have never been so excited for anything in my life.  I have so many people, places, and things I want to fit into that month that coming back to Korea will seem like a vacation.  If you want to see me, schedule some time cause I want to see everybody.
  • I am now the proud owner of a wonderful little hedgehog named The Friar.  I am also the proud foster owner of a very sweet cat named Ginger.  After several weeks she is getting over her life on the streets and is opening up.  She is sweet and entertaining as could be and I can't wait to find her a good home.  I will also miss her like crazy.

There are other things going on and things that have happened, and I will touch on them in later posts, which I really do intend to keep up with.  But, I have a lot of stuff going on and to take care of so I will try to fit them in and keep everyone updated with how I am doing finding a second job.  First steps will be getting finger printed again so I can get my FBI check again, and locating some new jobs I can apply too.

Have a lovely day!