The Friar
This little guy was so cute that I couldn't say no. I found him when I went with Josh to an exotic pet store near Seoul. Josh was on a mission to get a snake, which he did, and I was going along to look at all the animals. When we finally got to the shop, there was rows of tiny turtles in tubs sitting outside the door, as well as a full sized alligator snapping turtle. We went into the tiny, smelly, dark shop and the first thing I spotted was a raccoon. Josh walked past it's cage and out shot a little paw to grab his pants. I was entranced, and when I heard the price amazed. The little boy who translated for us was just as surprised to hear how common they were back home. Next to the raccoon was a baby skunk. I never knew they were so cute. As Josh looked at the snakes and discussed prices, I wandered the shop looking at the spiders, snakes, lizards, toads, and other creatures. I went around a tight corner and kicked a tank that was shoved up under the stacks. And something inside moved. I pulled it out and inside were 10 little baby hedgies.
I love hedgehogs, I gave one to a friend once, and these little guys were palm sized and friendly. I was playing with them when Josh found me. He had picked out his snake and was getting the tank and other things he needed.... And he took too long. I was head over heels and missing my pets at home so badly. The friar was the liveliest and friendliest and tiniest of the bunch. So I payed the man and brought him back to Josh's where I worried about how I was going to get him back home when the next day meant a four hour bus ride back to Daegu. Luckily, Hedgehogs don't mind sitting on a bus, and the koreans around me were curious and thrilled with my tiny companion.
The Friar and I got along great, he ran around my apartment in his bal, ate, and slept, and was actually pretty friendly. Then he quilled the first time and turned into the grumpiest monster I had ever seen. But, warm soaking baths and leaving him alone got us through it. He isn't as tiny now, but is still pretty friendly and loves to poke around the apartment and to tease Ginger.
Ginger joined the family kind of suddenly. A friend of a friend needed to find a home quick for a cat that she was fostering. This little girl had been living on the streets with her mom and family and was not a fan humans. The goal was to get her to warm up and to get adopted. The girl who had her was moving and didn't have the time Ginger needed to get her to open up. A thirty minute subway ride and Ginger and I met for the first time. She was huddled in the corner of her cat carrier, unaware of the thirty minute subway ride back to my place she was about to take, or the walk through the rain.
Getting her back to my place, I knew the first thing she would do was hide and not come out for awhile. I opened up my closet so she would have a place to hide and went to work. Those first few days were not easy. She was feral, very. wanted nothing to do with me and wanted me no where near her. She would wander the apartment at night crying and begging for affection, but wanted me no where near her. I waited and stayed away, hoping she would come to me, but after three weeks of this, I had had it. I opened the closet door and stuck my hand in, holding a very tempting treat... and was shocked when she tentatively took it from my hand and started to purr and even let me scratch her ear a bit before panic took over and she ran. But, it was a little step that I felt completely thrilled over and brought me back from thinking maybe there was no hope for this little girl.
So that is my new little family. As I write this, Ginger is snuggled next to me, forcing me to write one-handed because each time I stop petting her she starts to meow. The Friar is rolling around my feet, fresh from a bath, ready to get back in his cage where his food and some mealworm treats are waiting for him. All I can saw is, I am very content.The next week was a lot of bringing her treats and trying to get her to let me pet her outside of the closet and to come to me on her own. Then, I made ribs. She came sniffing around and after a few tastes was rubbing against my legs and begging for pats. That weekend, she went from not wanting me around to sleeping next to me in bed and since, has been my shadow. She and the friar still aren't great friends, but she follows him around in his ball and sometimes get brave enough to swat him. She is still just a foster though and she is still looking for a home of her own. Next week, she goes in for shots and spaying and a checkup. While I am back in the states, she will stay with a pet sitter, and so will The Friar. I am happy to be seeing my own kitties, but I will miss them both a lot.