What have I been doing? Well....
- I visited the old capital of Korea and saw a beautiful old temple and a Stone Buddha carved into a grotto in the mountain
- I hiked up to Gatbawi with Steven and his uncle and cousin
- I spent an entire weekend hanging out with my boyfriend and his uncle, aunt, aunt's sisters, and two small cousins.
- I had to move out of my apartment for over two weeks during the hottest part of summer because I had no AC and it was making me and the pets sick, and moved in with the boy.
- I fostered and found homes for two adorable little kittens.
- I found a gerbil in the garbage outside my apartment building, still in his tank and slowly drowning in a downpour, then brought him inside, fed him and found him a new home.
- I learned that I can not legally bring my hedgie back into the states and so I had to find him a new home, which I did. :(
- I saw the Circe Du Solei and Michael Jackson show.
- I drastically improved my beer pong skills with help from Steven and Ann.
- I learned to play (and become obsessed with) Magic: The Gathering. And I actually don't completely suck either. My Tuesdays are now the best day of the work week, thanks to weekly magic and beer nights.
- I Was exposed to the world of cigar smoking and learned there is a big difference between ones I like and ones that make me want to vomit.
- I rediscovered the joys of biking to get where I want to go, and that I can get a lot further then I thought I could.
- I went to Busan and visited the aquarium, and I hope to swim with sharks soon.
- I ate even more strange and odd things, and was forced to eat cooked fish and learned I don't hate it like I used to.
- I met a person that makes me feel like the most important person in the world and treats me just as well as I treat him.
- I began applying to Graduate Schools and looking ahead to my future.
- I planned an entire trip to Vietnam all by myself, all for myself. Heading out in December for 17 crazy solo travel days.
- I went to spa valley and ran into my students while I was wearing a bikini and I didn't die of embarrassment.
- I wandered around the amusement park at Suseong Lake and even won some stuffed animals by playing the shooting game.
- I discovered that I do have limits when it comes to the crazy stuff I am willing to do, and answered the age old question about whether I would jump off a bridge if all my friends did. (the answer is no)
- And many other little adventures that I am forgetting to mention at the moment...
I will try to get some posts done over the next few weeks about some of this stuff, but to be honest, I don't know if I will have time. Right now I am trying to finish planning for Vietnam, move in with Steven, finish applying to graduate schools, get applications ready for another year in Korea, write letters to friends, keep my apartment clean and tidy, teach better then ever for a good reference, plan my trip home and my trip back, get the hedgie and gerbil to their new homes, spend as much time with Steven and Dash as I can before I leave for two months, get back into working out responsibly, cooking dinner for a bunch of friends, uping my MTG game so I can beat people more often, getting my classroom and classes as organized as possible for the next teacher, have friends visit, sleep, eat, and take general care of myself. So, I am trying, but is my take until I get back t the states in December before I can elaborate much on those goings on.
Hopefully I will post again soon! And if I don't, it is just because I, for once finally, fell like all my shit is falling into place and everything is going my way, without the fear of the bottom dropping out. I think.... maybe.... yep. I am legit happy and loving life :)
PS, I am prepping for the incoming typhoon DANA as I type this. WOOHOO bring on the rain!