14 December 2010

Changes, A Time For Changes

Anyone who reads this regularly will have noticed that I have been making some changes to the look and content of the blog.  I'm doing this because I have been making some changes in my life as well.  Besides a new boyfriend, I have been making some decisions on what I plan to do for a living.  I applied for a job at the humane society and I am really hoping to get it, but if I don't, I have decided to continue to apply for jobs in this area.  I am not ready to move far away and abandon everyone here.

This is partially because of my relationship with Don, but I also feel like my family needs me around for awhile.  Another reason is because I am really trying to get serious about the getting in shape.  I would live to loose about forty pounds and in order to do so I am going to have make a real effort to focus on that.

This brings me to my next point.  The focus of this blog is going to alter a little bit.  I will still be including my fun rants and tangents, but I am no longer focusing on Korea, although I am still going to finish that online class.  I am going to focus this blog on the things I am trying to focus on in my life.   I am going to make a real effort to save money, and get a real career, and fix up the things in my life that need fixing, such as my health and my relationships with people.

I really want to get my debt paid off, so here is my big plan:
  1. Stop making unnecessary purchases.  I do not need any more clothes or books or movies or other things like that.  I actually need to cut back on my clothing again.  
  2. Pay off my credit card, by March.  I know March is a random month, but it is the earliest I feel i would be able to do that realistically.  After it is paid off, don't touch it.
  3. Pay my parents half of my paycheck each month to pay off what I owe them.
  4. After paying back my parents, start saving half of each check in my savings account and do not touch it. 
  5. Put off finding an apartment for at least six months, or until my debt is fully paid off.  It may take a while, but I really want a fresh financial start.
 I haven't worked out any of the other details for my life, but once I hear back from the job I interviewed at I will start making a bigger plan.  It is time to take charge and make some decisions in my life.   Oh, and I am totally still putting my work up here, I need to believe someone is reading this!  For the faithful, another poem (remember, feedback would be appreciated)

Silly Pink Line

2:59, 2:58, 2:57, 2:56, 2:55,
Counting down the three minute wait of eternity
I contemplate my options if it all goes to shit
“My life is over”
“I have to drop out”
“My mother will hate me and my dad, oh my god, my dad”
All these thoughts rise to the surface of my boiling brain
Caused because of a silly pink line

1:59, 1:58, 1:57, 1:56, 1:55,
Still the counting continues
I wonder what I did to deserve this
“Should I have been nice to the bitch who tried to steal all my friends”
“Did I not try hard enough to be a good person”
“Why did I not listen to what everyone was saying”
Question and more questions bubble up and explode
All caused by that stupid, silly pink line

0:59, 0:58, 0:57, 0:56, 0:55,
Eternity is slowly drawing to a close
Sudden thoughts sneak uncontrollably to the front of my thoughts
“I don’t want to know”
“I don’t think I can look”
“I am pretty sure I shouldn’t have eaten that burger before doing this”
In terror I look down at what I hold in my hand
My life’s fate decided by one horrible, stupid, silly pink line