23 December 2010

Finally, Time To Sit Still

Well, It has been awhile since I felt I could sit, and relax, and not be stressed about anything.  And I feel like I could actually do a good bit of talking so here it goes:

First off, the not spending extra money thing has not worked very well so far.  I was feeling really down on myself about this until I decided that it was asking a lot of myself to stop spending money on things I don't need right at Christmas time.  I am one of those people who thinks the best present in the world is finding the perfect gift for someone else and seeing their face when they open it.  So far this year I have achieved my goal.  So I have decided that the cut back on spending will start with the arrival of my next pay check in the beginning of January.

I also have not been doing great with exercising, and again I am going to blame the time of year.  It is not easy to change bad habits I have had my whole life when tempting treats are being shoved in my face from everywhere.  And finding time to work out when I have been spending every second freaking out about getting stuff turned in and finished on time has not been easy.  So I will call December my month off and will start again with gusto in January.

Doing both of these things will not be hard considering that I have nothing else to spend my time doing than job hunting.  I have started the overload of applications and so far have heard nothing back from anyone.  I would like to take a moment here to tell all the employers out there a little something they appear not to think about.  When I send in an application, and never hear back from you, it pisses me off.  It is not hard to make a general "We are not interested at this time" email, or something like that, just letting me know that I shouldn't hold my breath.  Also, if the position has been filled, then take the advertisement of the site so I don't end up applying to a ton of jobs that no longer exist.  I do not think that these are asking a lot.

Okay, back to what I was talking about.  Starting in January, my life will have three or four purposes. 
1. Finding a job
2. Working Out and Getting Healthy (and this I am dragging my mom along on)
3. Spending time with friends and Don
4. Saving money and working at the stable as many hours as I can squeeze out of that job.

I really hope that I get a job that pays decent so I can pay back my loans.  That "clean finical beginning" is so close I can feel it.  If I can pull off getting out of debt, and having good credit, I feel like I will be much better off than a lot of people my age and that is not something I would feel at all bad about.

Well, Christmas is almost here and I have an even crazier schedule than normal.  leaving tonight for Don's house so that tomorrow we can go to his families for Christmas Eve and then getting up the next morning at nine, so I can leave his place by ten, so I can get home to my place by eleven, so I can get myself and my dogs and family in the car and leave for Algoma by noon.  I stay there for three days with no phone of electronics of any kind.  then come back here for a crazy week of work.  I don't even have time to make  New Years plans.

Happy Holidays!