06 June 2012

Level Tests - Day 1

The next two days will be filled with my students level tests at Hanvit.  For my students, level tests mean hours of stress and lots of studying and then three hours of vocabulary, grammar, listening, and reading tests.  They have to give up their phones, sit up straight, behave way better then normal, and remain quiet the entire time.  For me, it means sitting at my desk in my classroom for about 5 1/2 hours straight watching the kids take their tests.  I get to push the play button once to start the listening, but otherwise, I am left with not much to do.  I have some essays to grade, but not very many since I finished most yesterday and this morning.  I also have journals to finish.  All that should take up the first three hours of the first day.

As for the rest of my time in these tests, I am working on a list I hope to complete.  So far the list includes, editing my story, writing three poems, and drawing one good picture of my students.  I will also write in my journal both days and prepare for the craziness that my classes will become in the next few weeks.  Not only will the students who level up be switching around, but we have Shannon coming back and one of the korean teachers leaving for awhile and that has created the need to rearrange the teachers again.  And, as if that isn't enough craziness, the next few weeks are exams for my students at school again, which means they will be in and out at random times, and it means we will be getting in a new crop of elementary kids.  It is going to be one super crazy month.