1. Small children are not as scary as I thought. I now teach kids as young as six. This prospect terrified me at first. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not do well with kids. They make me nervous and jumpy. They cry and strange fluids come out of their noses and they are someone else's whole world and can't take care of themselves. I am learning that they are much tougher then I thought, bonce better, and obey pretty well. I may even think about having one or two of my own someday... very far in the future.
2. Bribing is more effective then anger. When my kids get nuts and I am so annoyed I could spit fire, I put away the books and bust out hangman and the candy. As soon as they hear the crinkle of the bag, the demon spawn disappear and turn into perfect little angels. I feel is this works on children, I should be able to translate this over to adults. I just need to figure out the perfect bribe....
3. Scented toilet paper is the devil's work. My boss insists on buying lilac scented toilet paper. I don't not want my toilet paper to smell flowery. It is as bad as those scented tampons. It doesn't smell good and no way I want my bits smelling like that.... ew.
4. Being idle is more exhausting the work. I have a lot of free time at work. A LOT. And I don't have much to fill it with. I have a lot less work then I did at my old academy, and most of my classes are using the same book and are on the same page, so once I teach my first class on Monday, I am pretty much set for the week. And I am never more tired then on the days where most of my time is spent doodling or watching TV on my laptop. I finish work and all I want to do is crawl in bed. I feel more tired then I did after a 16 hour day at Summerfest.
5. Sock monkey slippers are the bomb. All of my students love my slippers. All of my co-teachers love my slippers. My boss loves my slippers. I love my slippers. Enough said.
That is all I got for now. I may add more at a later date if I think of them. I have students coming into my room and I get to actually do something for the next two hours and fifteen minutes. Ahh the joys of teaching.