The last couple weekends I have taken a break from traveling to stay home and catch up stuff around here. No, I have not fully caught up, but I feel a bit less stressed out then I was. Two weekends ago a friend came to visit and we braved internet directions to try out an Indian restaurant here in Daegu called Handi. Turned out the directions didn't do much for us, but the address written out in hangul sure helped me tell the taxi driver where to go. We found the restaurant with very little trouble. Though we did do as my friend suggested and "followed the Indian." Not the best thing to say, but it ended up being the right place. The food was pretty good and also cheap, which is always great. I unfortunately did not bring my camera *GASP* and so I have no pictures of our random adventure. I think my favorite part was listening to the Indian man take orders in Korean and wonder at how it is he has better pronunciation then me. Really, I was not that surprised.

It was actually a pretty cool area of the city and with all the international grocery stores, I will be sure to go back soon. I think I may have even found cilantro, be still me heart. And even bigger.... I found what I think are real, really really real pickles. They only come in a party sized glass tub, but at ten dollars I have decided they are worth the risk and I am going to buy them next time I go there. If they turn out to be false dill pickles, well, my students will get some awesome pickles in class. We also found a strange alcohol that had a bunny in it. Do not freak! It was a glass bunny, not a real one. At $30 I couldn't bring myself to buy it, but I may go back this week when I go for the pickles. Maybe on Saturday. I am not even sure what kind of booze it is, but the bunny wins me over. And before you ask, yes. I am fully aware that buying things for the label generally most often most certainly turns out not good. BUT IT IS A BUNNY! We also wandered around and did some shopping and then had an okay cup of coffee. Overall, a decent relaxed Saturday.

Last weekend I finally had nothing to do and no one visiting for an entire freaking weekend. I used this time to do some serious exploring around where I live and I found a bunch of places I can't wait to try out. There are a ton, ton, tonny-ton ton of galbi and other types of meat restaurants near my place, as well as a bunch of cafes and bars and other little places to check out. One place in particular I can't wait to check out, a little cafe called Mustache. There is also a bar down the street from there called Led Zeppelin Rock Club. I shit you not party people. I have put this on my list of must-sees along with the place with the pirate out front and a place that is crazy busy every single night I walk past it. I found lots of other little interesting things, and I will be going out and taking a poo load of pictures one of these days, but this last weekend I was mainly seeing these places when I went for some runs. That is correct my nutty friends, I said runs. I ran so much on Sunday that when I got home my butt was twitching like it was a'dancin.
When I wasn't out enjoying the super duper weather, I was in my apartment getting into the nitty gritty of cleaning. I was inspired to do a real spring clean and even emptied out all my cabinets AND fridge and cleaned them with super cleaner. It smells super good in my apartment right now. I also got all my laundry caught up and my dishes. These are a big deal because without a dryer I have to wait for the clothing to air dry and usually have acquired enough clothes for another load by the time they do. With the weather getting all warm and toasty, however, my clothes are drying speedy quick and I can actually go a day or two without clothes on the drying rack. Dishes are a big deal only because I flipping hate dishes.
In the next couple weekends Ihave a truckload of people visiting, am going paragliding, island biking, deep sea fishing, cliff jumping, hiking, swimming, and more. This is going to be a beautiful couple weeks. I would also like to thank Buddha for having his birthday the day after mine. All the lanterns and the day off make me feel like Korea really loves me. I knew they did!