It is finally a nice day out! Lately I have been sleeping through the nice part of the day, only to wake to rain and clouds. I got a chance to do some of the things I have been wanting to do for awhile like take the dogs for a real walk and work on my garden a bit more.
The garden should be pretty much planted by next week. The weather is finally warm enough to plant the rest of the seeds I have been waiting on. I also finished the raised bed and turned all the gardens. I need to add some soil and return the spaces where i am not done planting and I need to dig around the edge of the garden but other then those things I am done. Then come the lazy weeding and watering when needed.
The dogs are super out of shape. We barely made it a quater mile before little Fargo was panting and stumbling along. So, I will have to work them up the the full four miles a day I guess. As for me, I feel really good. I am five pounds from my goal for summerfest, I have lots of stuff to keep me busy, and Work is a lot of fun. I very much enjoy the people I work with.
Other than all of that, not much has changed. My internet was out at my house for the past four days so I didn't get my lessons finished like I wanted but I am so close I am less worried about that then I am aout money and getting the stuff I need before I leave town.
Oh, and Happy Rapture to you all. You have been judged and your fate will be revealed in October. See you in hell my loves!