I got everything packed, in the number of suitcases I wanted to. I still need to rearrange some things when I do the final pack but overall I am very pleased with how things turned out. I even have a little space leftover if I need to add to it with some more stuff.
I got an amazing haircut today. I wanted to do something that will help me to blend a bit better into the demographic in Korea (not blonde) so I did a bunch of streaks of almost black and fixed up my blunt bangs and I must say it turned out perfect.
After the haircut I bummed around Lastfm.com looking for different Korean bands and listening in on the present music culture. I also spent a little while looking at modern Korean fashion and I think I will actually blend in pretty well.

I don't really have all that much to talk about today, I just really felt like typing. Maybe it is the music I am listening to or something. I really want this Korea thing to work out. I just want to hear back from them already. I went from having an offer dropped on me out of the blue that was way to soon, to nothing. Come on Korea gods! Accept Me! Even though it is taking longer and the waiting is killing me, I am kinda glad that it is giving me time to make sure I am really ready for this, and it is letting me mentally prepare myself better. I am also hoping to be around to harvest my garden. It has been neglected lately because of work, weather, illness, and my laziness, but I am going to go out there tomorrow and weed it out and clean it up before I head to Platteville to visit Jess.
Oh yeah! I am going to see Jess tomorrow during my two days off! Super excited about that. There will be cooking, drinking, and all around merry making en masse. I hope this isn't the last time I will get to see her before I leave but if it is, we will have made the best of it. And if she gets a settlement from her accident, maybe she can come visit me there! Ha, not likely but a girl can dream right?