I went to the Renaissance fair yesterday for the first time ever. Shocking, I know. Me, a person who loves all things old and is a self professed anachronism, had never been to the Ren Fair. Part of the reason for that is probably that I always forgot about it until after it was over, and the other part of it was probably to do with the fact that I am always crazy busy. But this year, I find that I am far less busy then I have been and I have money I can spend doing things I like. So, to the Renaissance fair I went.

And I have decided several things after my day there. One, I want to get a job there and I would be damn good at it. I can rock those crazy corsets and long skirts all day and my british accent is pretty damn good. I know that it is because my friend from London told me it was. Two, I should have been going there every year of my entire life because it was amazing. The joust, mudpit, costumes, shops, food, everything was so cool I think I forgot to blink the entire time I was there. And three, I need to make more money so that I can buy everything that I wanted there. Just kidding about the last one, although there was a ton of stuff there I would love to own, I didn't really need any of it.

We also ran into Gypsy Geoff while we were there and spent a good forty minutes enjoying his hilarious performance. That guy has a way about him that makes it completely okay for him to say all those lovely insults that pop in your head when someone is being dumber then normal. I wish I could do that. The more times we see him, the more we get crushes on him. Watching his performance also made Kim and I even more excited for the Steampunk Show in september.
After the fair we stopped for some pretty decent food at the Lakefront Brewery and then headed back to Kim's for our cars. When we got there, there was a live band playing in the park a block from Kim's house, so we ambled over there to watch for an hour or so until they finished up there set with a off key rendition of Freebird.

My next few weekends are looking to be pretty awesome as well. Next up is Six Flags with people from work, and the Following weekend is the dance and carnival. As for Korea, I still haven't heard anything but I am settling into waiting patiently and enjoying to free time I have and working my butt off to save up cash. Oh! That reminds me! I paid off my credit card completely this week, which felt amazing. That is one chunk of debt done and I am starting in on the loans from college. I am thinking of signing up for a Korean language course at UWM for this semester if I can get in before the class closes or starts. It seems like a good use of time while I wait to hear from Korea. I may not be going this fall, but I am not going to stop trying. I already had an offer that wasn't the right timing, so I know I will get another chance. And by the time I get there I will have a big chunk of my college loans paid and still have a lot of money saved up for spending over there. I will also have a few more months to loose a little more of the weight I want to. Now that I am settling into my routine, I am finally starting to get back to working out regularly and I have started to drop again. I am five pounds from my halfway point.