The past few months have been AMAZING! I went to Vietnam, went home, came back to Korea with plans to find a new job, changed my mind, and now in two months I will leave Korea behind and move back to the US, aiming for Austin. Steven and Dash are coming with me. Focusing on the masters and work and real life. The blog will most certainly be changing. I hope to keep it up, but we will see how much time I have. in the next few months I will do day by days of my Vietnam trip, and talk about the planning and such I go through getting my stuff shipped, cat home, and settling in Austin.
It was time to move on with my life. I have gotten everything I can out of Korea, and staying any longer just doesn't make sense. More later, but for now I am going to go back to dancing around like a crazy to M.I.A. Laters loves!