- Get Dash vaccinated for Rabies
- Buy ticket
- Get Dash's flight arranged
- Clean Dash's new carrier and get him used to going in and out of it
- Go through Clothing and get rid of older stuff
- Figure out shipping costs for the extra clothes and things I don't want to leave here
- Sell off extra furniture, clothes, books, and stuff
- Take Dash back to vet 10 days before I leave
- Organize stuff back home in preparation for the move to Austin
- Find jobs to apply for in Austin
- Locate Apartments that are available starting mid June
- Take a week long trip to Austin with Steven to job search, apartment search, and find a place.
- Move in
- Settle in
So many, many things to do. And all while I am working on my masters, keeping the apartment clean, feeding Steven, and spending time with his mother when she comes to visit. I am actually really looking forward to having a job and just having a plain, easy life for a little bit. I shall share the knowledge I gain with you all regarding how to leave Korea in the least stressful way possible. Tomorrow, look for the start of my posts about my trip to Vietnam and back home. And soon Steven and I are heading to Japan for a week (danced around the house when I found out).