20 October 2010

Another Day, Another Something

I have really missed this feeling, the feeling of actually being excited to see the person I have a date with rather than dreading the melancholy talk and hours of trying to fix his problems and cheer him up.

In other news, I have reached the halfway point in my online course for Korea, I have gotten no where on my resume, and I am almost done with college, again.

I purchased some exercise videos online and I should be getting them today so hopefully I will be able to start doing bigger updates about my workouts and weight loss soon.  I also joined a web page that lets me record my food intact and the exercise I do each day and tells me how I am doing in regards to my goal weight.  According to this web page, I should reach my goal weight of 125 lbs by February or April of next year, if I keep up with the work outs and the eating healthy amounts of food.  This is super encouraging to me and really inspires me to work out even more because it actually lets me see a possible end in sight.  Also, the video I bought has a ton of reviews online that all talk about how many inches people who bought it are losing off their waist and hips each week and it sounds amazing.  I am really hoping I can get another job soon because I am thinking I will be needing all new clothes soon!!!

I am hoping to take some before pictures and then put up a pic each time I blog but i do not know if I will feel comfortable with showing that yet.  I t may take awhile for me to be okay with people seeing my weight.

Anyway, I am off to my night class, then back to change into something nice and comfy, like a t-shirt, and drive an hour to this guys house.  I hope everything goes awesome today!!!