Blue October, sadly, was a disappointment. I still remember when I used to go to their concerts and I loved every song and they were amazing. Kim and I both felt that they played way too much of their new music and none of the really good old classics. Then we remembered that we started going to there concerts seven years ago and the songs we like are ten years old. It really brings back the memories to think about that.

Even though the band I went to see was a disappointment, the opener was amazing. The lead singer reminds me of the main character in
A Clockwork Orange. He was adorable and goofy. After the concert, that band was out signing autograph and selling Cd's so Kim and I bought some and went to have them sign it just because, and they were very entertaining. The lead singer handed me his drink and said, "Hold this, and have a sip if you like. Have a sip." I told him no thanks, so the guitarist took it and then offered it to me again as they signed the CD. The drummer signed it, "Dear Carly, (heart) Me" and then insisted on a hug which lifted me off my feet. They were amazing guys in a band called
The Parlotones.
Today, I cleaned the upstairs of my house and danced around to their CD all day. I love cleaning and dancing when no one is watching. I made some Stuffed green peppers and now I'm going to run and then sleep. All in all, a satisfying few days.