06 October 2010


It has been a while since I wrote anything on here.  I wish i had something to say, or that something had happened during tat time that was super awesome that I could rave about...  But nothing really did.  I have had a ton of work and homework to get done and I have been working on cleaning up the upstairs of my parents house.  This coming weekend I have big plans to clean out the garage and to empty our smokehouse.  Thrilling, I know.

However.....  Tomorrow night is going to be super awesome because it is Blue October night!!!  I have not been to a concert in so long and I haven't been to Blue October in years so this is great.  I have had all their songs on repeat for the last week!  I will one day marry the lead singer, either that or steal his beautiful, poetic, crazy mind and put it in my own head.  So I will have much to say after the concert.

Now, I am going to run three miles, do some homework and figure out what I am wearing to the concert!

Also, I am going to be a gangsta for Halloween.  Excited.