29 September 2010

Ah, Humpday...

I almost missed my bus yesterday.  I was on the phone with my friend who was waiting at the bus stop and I was geting closer and closer and I knew that it was  going to show up just before I could get there. I left the house with ten minutes to get to the bus, a drive that takes twenty usually, and I sped the entire way there.  I turned on to the street the parking lot entrance is on and my friend tells me that the but is pulling into the parking lot.  So, I did the only thing I could think of, I told her to stall it.  She did, and I made the bus, though I wasn't even sure that I had locked my car doors, but hey, I made the bus.

Class itself was pretty disappointing, as usual.  We started good disscusions only to be cut off and turned in another direction by the instructor.  I managed to confuse her again so she was agruing "against"me by arguing my point.  After class a girl told me she thought that the only reason the instructor doesn't cut me off or tell me I'm wrong is because she knows I know more then she does.  I found that funny.  While I was waiting for the bus, and Kim, I read a book under a tree and my back fell asleep.  That has never happened to me before.  It was quite odd.  Kim and I had a great time listening to strange conversations on the bus and then hung out at my house watching stupid TV shows.  All in all, a pretty good day.

Today I have class till seven and hanging ut on campus doing nothing till eight.  Good times.  I will have a ton of homework done at least and hopefully my resume.  Can't wait for next week.  I ordered some clothes and they should be getting here then!