08 January 2011

The New Year Starts... With A Wicked Cold

Well, I had almost half of my list done (much to my surprise) when I felt a tickle in my throat and my head got all light and fuzzy.  I shook it off and went to sleep and awoke the next day to a crazy fever/flu/cold thing that has lasted the past five days and forced me to cancel a girl's night and a night bowling with the boy and friends and I have missed a week of work.

Not the best start to the new year, let me tell you.

Finally, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and though I am still not healthy enough to start working out again, I have had time to catch up on some reading, rest, and recipe searches that I have been meaning to do the last five days in bed.

Also, I now have a job interview, hopefully (fingers crossed for me please!) at a place out in Elm Grove.  I still don't really know at this point what the job is but i figure what the hell, I'll try anything.  It says that is is some kind of marketing firm for sports and five star resorts, but we shall see.  Not really what I pictured myself doing, but it will give me loads of experience and training hopefully.  If I get the job that is.

As for weight loss, I will be honest and tell you that the new year was not good.  I gained back the little weight I had lost and I feel worse then ever.  The minute I feel like this cold is gone I am going to get back at it double time.  My new workout will be to miles speed walking on the treadmill, thirty minutes with Jillian Michaels and the two more miles on the treadmill.  Once I can push myself though that I will start adding miles and switching the workout.  My goal is to lose ten pounds by Valentines day as a gift to myself, but if I don't get over this cold soon I may have to push it back a little....