08 February 2011

I Chose Life!!

Well, today at work I made up my mind about the job.  To help you understand my decision I'm gong to tell you a little about my work day today.

It started out pretty good.  My bosses boss was there and I finally got to go out "solo" and i was going to get bonuses and I had my goals all planned out....  Then I started to work.  We ended up doing residential and it would not have been so bad if I had been able to drive myself but instead I was dropped off and told to work at least one hundred houses and go over the route 3 times.  Again this was not so bad... if I hadn't been in the ghetto of Milwaukee, alone, without a car, for eight hours, in the dark.  I made fifty bucks but I the big picture it was totally not worth it.

Halfway through my day, the girls who had dropped me off called, they were supposed to be working the road next to me and they told me they had gone to lunch and wanted to know how I was doing.  I had nothing to eat and no where to go to the bathroom for the whole time I was out there and here they were going off for lunch.  When they came to pick me up they told me that they had left part way through the day and had been gone for two hours dropping of an interview person who couldn't handle it.  This means that if something had gone down in this crappy part of town, no one was around to help me.

So, I quit.

I felt completely unsafe and the payout is not worth the hours I put in everyday.  So it is back to job searching for me.  I found some copy writing jobs that 'i am going to apply for tomorrow, and I'm going to fine tune my resume and Cover Letters.

In Other News

I contacted my half brother yesterday, as well as my father's mother.  Both of them replied back to my surprise.  I was especially surprised to hear from my brother.  He had no idea that I ever existed and thankfully he actually has an interest in getting to know me.  I just got off the phone with him after an hour long conversation and I really found it amusing what we had in common.

Apparently I get my standofishness from my dad, as well as my laugh, my nose, and dark sense of humor.  After talking to him for while I can also guess that I get my quirky attitude, talkativeness, and bluntness from him as well.  I really loved hearing about his life and the rest of that part of my families life.

I really hope that my dad is not upset that I approached his mom and his son.  I just had a lot of questions that needed answering and I really wanted the chance to get to at least meet these people who are related to me. 

Overall, an interesting day.