12 February 2011

Life Begins Anew

I just heard that it is going to be 45 degrees next Friday, and I then did a little dance and ran upstairs to dig out my seed packets to start planning my garden.  I realize that it is only the beginning of February but a girl can get a head start on things, right?

So far my garden plans include:
  • tomatoes (several heirloom variety) 
  • acorn squash
  • butternut squash
  • sunflowers
  • sweet peas
  • long bush beans
  • runner beans
  • several types of lettuce
  • spinach
  • cucumbers
  • green, red, and many other peppers

These are just the seeds I already own and include none of the herbs I am going to get planted this year.  I am also hoping to get some money saved up so I can buy some fruit and nut trees for the woods by the school bus.  Yes, I said school bus.  It is something my mother is working on that I plan to fix up a bit more by putting a generator into the space where the engine once was to provide light to the bus and the horse shoe pit next to it.

Before we started work on it.
I am hoping that I can get even more planted this year then last year.  Last year I had to actually dig the whole garden, put in fences, add soil and mulch, and get the compost started.  This year I know what plants will work and where the best place to put them is.  I can plant stuff as soon as the ground defrosts and I wont have to wait till the soil drys so I can dig beds.  I am thinking about going to the garden store tomorrow to pick up seed packets and small planters to get my seeds started.

Also, in the spirit of spring, I have begun to clean out my closets.  I decided that I am getting rid of any winter clothes that I haven't worn this winter.  This way I cut out the clothes I love but don't wear.  After that first purge, I am going to actually lay out my wardrobe and make outfits.  If I have anything that can not be made into an outfit I would actually wear, I am getting rid of it.  I need the closet space.

In some final news, I have started a Food Diary using an App on my phone.  So far I have found it to be really useful because I can pull out my phone wherever I am and quick enter what I ate and then Its all filled in and calculated for me.  It is telling me to consume 1200 calories a day but when it adds in my work out I get to almost double that.

Cheers to Spring, An Organized Wardrobe, And Healthy Weight!