27 January 2011

And The Winner Is....


That's right. I am the winner. I got the job. Finally.

I am not sure how I will do or if I will even like this job but it is a job and that is awesome. Finally, I will have some money and be able to start banking big bucks. Unfortunately, I will have to invest in some new cloths and other things for this job but what the hell, it was expected. The best part is I can put personality into my cloths and not become a drone.

Speaking of clothes, just got some super cute new dresses to wear to work!
Check them out!

and I also got some cute accessories to go with them....

I am super glad that I don't have to work at the barn anymore, too damn cold.   But this job has a lot of unknowns to it.  For instance, how much money will I make a month.  It will depend on whether I choose sallery or comission, and how well I can sell.  Also, what will the hours be like?  At my second interview I was there untill 9:30 but I can't do that every night.  Also unknown is my days off, and how many I get a week.

I am really glad to have the job, but I really miss Don and I feel like this job may keep us from ever seing each other.

On a more positive note:

Heading back to platteville this weekend to see my lovely lady and for a much needed escape from my family.  It will be good to feel like an adult again.  Then Monday it's off to the office for the first day of work.  Fingers Crossed!

17 January 2011

Snow Again, And I Love It

You know how you have those days when even thought things aren't really going great, that world still feels like a wonderful place? Today is one of those days.

I have been working hard the past few months to start feeling happy for no reason and I think I have finally gotten there. Today, I woke up and I had to go out into the bitter snow to work for three hours outside. When I got to work I found that all the horses had been left in and I had an extra hour of work to do. After getting through it, I got home and the delivery person had been to my house but my mom hadn't answered so I didn't get my new phone which means another day of praying the my current phone could hold out for just one more day (please!!).

I then ate lunch, watched some TV, and got ready to work out. Things started feeling a bit better when Kim called to ask if I would work for her tonight. She covered for me the whole week two weeks ago so I can't say no, plus I need the money so I told I would cover it. After telling her this, I remembered that I won't have the truck tonight to get up the driveway, so I will have to battle up the mile and a half long driveway in my tiny escort sport.

Not sure how the rest of the day is going to go but, I am pretty happy and content for the first time in a long while.

16 January 2011

I Am Annoyed


So, I recently read a blog about a trend that's started up called "The Compact."  The goal of this group is to buy nothing new for at least 12 months.  When I first read this, I was confused how they could survive buying NOTHING new.  After reading their blog and discovering all the exceptions they included, I became annoyed for two reasons.

1. They have a big list of stuff you can still buy and pay for.  Some of the stuff makes sense like food, and personal hygiene stuff, and auto repair.  But they do on to include things like house cleaning services and spa days under stuff you can't live with out.  As I read this list of things they considered necessary I began to think about what I would need that they were not allowing. 

I am working on getting a new job.  Most of the places I have applied for require business professional attire of which, I own none.  I could go to second hand store to get these clothes but I need clothes that really fit, and look professional and fresh.  I know that places like good will have nice clothes but it is not easy to find ones that actually fit and are in style.  In order to get a job so I don't end up on the street, I am going to have to buy at least one new outfit.  If I get a job, I am going to have to buy NEW clothes so that I can look Professional at work and keep the job.  

I feel like the people who set up this group probably didn't take into account the people of lower economic status that may read their blog.  There is no way that people who consider Maid service and spas days an exception would understand why I need new clothes for work. 

2. When they Do talk about buying things, they encourage it to come from local business and local sources.  This is a great idea and while I would love to do it, those places are usually more expensive and, for me, unaffordable.  I make about $500 a month and I need that to survive and pay off my school debts and to have a little money left over to actually have a little fun.  

I feel that if they want this to become the movement they talk about it being, they need to sit down and work though their rules and exceptions and make them accessible by all.  I may have to buy new clothes, but I never ever throw away clothing unless it is destroyed.  I donate everything else I no longer use to goodwill.  I save any paper I may need to trow out and burn it in my back yard so I can put the ashes on my garden that I grow to provide veggies and fruit for my family.  I am working on saving up enough money to plant some fruit and nut trees in my backyard after I clear it out.  I clean my own house, have never been to a spa, and usually wait till the last moment to repair my car.  I even compost and recycle the horse crap from work. 

I think I am doing pretty good at not leaving much waste behind and groups like the Compact can stop making me feel like crap because I can't afford to "live better."

14 January 2011

New Phone!!

Finally getting with the times and getting a smart phone.  I am going to go with the Droid X I think because I love the way android runs and I need a phone that can be more than a phone.  I will let people know how it turns out.

Other than that, I have begun to work out again, slowly.  I am more out of shape than when I started this thing so I need to really work into always doing my workouts.  I really think if I get on top of things and work out each day I could burn the ten pounds before Valentines Day.  What better present is there to yourself on that day then feeling good about yourself.

Excited for Cathie's Birthday today, bowling is always a good time.  Nervous about being around so many people I don't know, but hey, I'm a big girl and I'm fun to be around so it should be fun.

Also, Don has the opportunity to get a big promotion to upper management.  All I really care about is whether we will be able to spend more time together if he takes this position.  He already has a good job but this position would give him weekends off and work during the day.  I really want him to take it just for those reasons.  Should I tell him that is why I think he should take it?

11 January 2011

I Can Breathe!

Finally, the cold has left.  At least my cold has left.  Today, the new year can finally begin, for me.

I am starting up my workouts again and I am getting meals set for the week.  Although I do need to allow for thaw time after getting home from work, I feel pretty awake and ready to get at it even though I had only three hours sleep.  No clue why.  And those three hours were filled with strange dreams of alternate universes and warping though time and strange body doubles, which I take to mean two possible things:

1. I am experiencing a cross roads in my life and my subconscious is trying to sort out which possible future I could become and which life I should choose.  And because I am entering such a new part of my life, my mind is portraying the work world as a whole new universe and alternate reality because I have nothing to base my ideas of work on.


2. I need to stop watching Doctor Who, Thorchwood, and X-Files right before bed.

I am leaning towards the second option, but feel free to let me know if you think differently.

Everything else in my life is pretty much the same, still have to go for that interview, still have to finish cleaning up the house, still have bills to pay.

08 January 2011

The New Year Starts... With A Wicked Cold

Well, I had almost half of my list done (much to my surprise) when I felt a tickle in my throat and my head got all light and fuzzy.  I shook it off and went to sleep and awoke the next day to a crazy fever/flu/cold thing that has lasted the past five days and forced me to cancel a girl's night and a night bowling with the boy and friends and I have missed a week of work.

Not the best start to the new year, let me tell you.

Finally, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and though I am still not healthy enough to start working out again, I have had time to catch up on some reading, rest, and recipe searches that I have been meaning to do the last five days in bed.

Also, I now have a job interview, hopefully (fingers crossed for me please!) at a place out in Elm Grove.  I still don't really know at this point what the job is but i figure what the hell, I'll try anything.  It says that is is some kind of marketing firm for sports and five star resorts, but we shall see.  Not really what I pictured myself doing, but it will give me loads of experience and training hopefully.  If I get the job that is.

As for weight loss, I will be honest and tell you that the new year was not good.  I gained back the little weight I had lost and I feel worse then ever.  The minute I feel like this cold is gone I am going to get back at it double time.  My new workout will be to miles speed walking on the treadmill, thirty minutes with Jillian Michaels and the two more miles on the treadmill.  Once I can push myself though that I will start adding miles and switching the workout.  My goal is to lose ten pounds by Valentines day as a gift to myself, but if I don't get over this cold soon I may have to push it back a little....

02 January 2011

The Fresh Scent Of A New Year

Well, it's the second day of this year, and I have done nothing yet with it.  So, as a remedy to this issue,I am going to write out what I need to get done in the next few days.

I am going to be doing some serious new years cleaning to begin with.  A very major out with the old and in with the new type of clean.

To Begin:

  • Dishes
  • Clean sink and counters
  • Stove top and the top of the fridge
  • Clean out the fridge
  • Organize cabinets
  • Vacuum and wash floor
Living Room
  • Dust
  • Vacuum 
  • clean out cabinets
  • Clean toilets, sinks, and shower
  • wash windows and mirrors
  • Vacuum and mop floors
  • Clean out closet
  • Dust
  • Vacuum
  • Clean out closet
  • Go through papers on desk
  • Clean out desk drawers
  • Water plants
  • Dust electronics and desk
  • Vacuum floor
  • Go through clothes, get rid of unworn stuff
  • Dust
  • Make bed
  • Organize and dust books
  • Put away clean clothes and do laundry
  • Vacuum
I think that that is everything I need to clean.  I also need to extend my online course, pay off my bill to UWM, set up a new workout schedule, apply for more jobs, and a few other things I can't remember right now.  

Time to get organized for my "real life" and get off my ass on the stuff I've been wanting to get done.