22 September 2010

Almost There

This has been a very long week, and for once, Thursday really is feeling like a hump day.  After today, I will have caught up on nearly everything I fell behind on because of the cold, and work, and stolen debit card.  I will finally be able to work in my garden and get it ready for fall. I will be able to build my new dog his fenced yard so he doesn't run away again.  I will be able to bed down my gardens for winter, plant my winter crops, and get rid of the last of the buck thorn on my trail.  I will also FINALLY be able to start riding my horse regularly again and hiking every day with my dogs.  Once I get my office cleaned and my bedroom put back together, I will actually be able to do homework up there rather then in my bed.  everything is finally falling into place.  Which means any day now I am going to be royally screwed over by something.

The more I write in this blog, the more I decide what I am going to include in it and the more I think I need a blog for each topic.  As of today, this blog will include:
          1. Thoughts and processes involved in my move to South Korea.
          2. Random thoughts and occurrences in my life.
          3. Examples of my writing and photography, and other art projects.
          4. Recipes and talks about dishes I make that are awesome.
            And, New Today....
5. My weight loss and fitness goals.

I know that a lot of people do all of these things already.  And I used to think they were all crazy and silly, but the more I write in this, the more I realize how helpful it will be to be to record it here.  It is nice to at least imagine people are reading this besides me, it is nice to think people may actually be interested in my life.  Not to mention, if I start recording my fitness stuff here, I might actually do it.  I think the reason that, right now in my life, I am finding it so cathartic to write here is that I don't really have many people around right now to talk to.  Right now, the people I do have who are reading this are thinking, yes, she has me, but I don't have people all the time, and I don't have people like i used to have them.  Leaving college and Platteville has been hard because the friends I had there are no longer just down the sidewalk.  I miss all of them terribly and even though I talk to them, it is not the same.  Writing here is a way for me to get my thoughts out and processed and still feel like someone is listening.  Unlike a journal, I still feel connected to the world this way.

So, along the lines of the goals of this blog, I have some updates for each section:

          1. I have turned in my information to Gone2Korea and they have responded.  I need to get my resume and a photo turned in before I can really get going on the application, but fingers crossed I get accepted.  I am still working on my online course for TEFL but I am making progress and so far, I have a 96% in the class.  I am also working on my English grammar certificate and I think that in the next two weeks i will finish that up.

          2. I have been too busy lately to have many random thoughts or occurrences, but when I went to the bank to deal with my card problems, the guy who helped me out was an old roommate of an ex-boyfriend from platteville.  So that was pretty crazy.

          3. As for examples of my writing or art, how about i give you all a picture of some of my ceramic work....
DilloMan.  Before he was fired and glazed terribly.  I need to remake him.

           4. I haven't really cooked anything lately because I have been so busy.  I did make some Cornish Hens and Squash the other day, but they are something I make all the time.  I just got a new Korean cookbook so hopefully I will making some stuff from there soon.

          5. As for the fitness stuff, I am going to start walking four miles a day with the dogs and doing some yoga and other exercise stuff.  I will figure out the details later, but I am hoping to loose around 40 pounds.

This is everything I have for today, but I will write tomorrow.  I just hope everything keeps going right.