12 September 2010

Just Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay, Wastin' Time

Indian Summer is pretty cool, and I am super lucky that I can people watch for hours without getting bored.  I sat for nine hours yesterday at a gate, by myself, with nothing to do but watch the people go by. And watching these people has caused me to come to some conclusions about humans, at least in the US.

1. People are okay with being fat.  And I don't mean a little chubby, I mean huge, fat.  It's the slightly chubby ones that are the most self-conscious.  The really huge, can't see their own feet, big ones are totally okay with it.  The girls wear tight clothes, the men tuck it the overly stretched t-shirts and let their stomachs hang to their feet, it is amazing.  I am not sure if they have just given up and accepted that they are big and they wont change or if they really are okay with it, but they are all so happy and comfortable in their own skin that I kind of envy them.

2. Children are really annoying, but so cute that it doesn't matter.  All over the grounds, little kids are screaming and breaking stuff and touching stuff they shouldn't be, and none of us care.  They look so cute when they are doing it that we all, including myself, smile and get all misty eyed at them.  Once they hit like four feet tall though, we don't find it cute anymore, so we yell at the tall ones for doing the same things the little ones are doing and completely confuse the poor kids.

3. Teenagers really are stupid.  I watch all these 13 to 18 year olds trying to be sneaky and break all the rules and they think that they are getting away with it when the whole time, I just sit there and laugh because they are so obvious.  When i was a teen, i thought the same thing and i still find myself hoping that i was better at being inconspicuous then these kids and if I wasn't then i had the most oblivious parents ever.  Then again, none of the parents at Indian Summer noticed either.

4. People never read the signs right in their faces.  The gate I work at leads out of the park and to the ceremonial fire out on the island.  Every person I let out the gate asked me where the gate lead and what the fire was.  Directly next to me was a 6 foot tall sign explaining everything.  READ!!

These are only some of the conclusions I came to, but the rest are mainly about people lacking intelligence and we all already know about that.  Today, i am going to bring Moby Dick and not watch the stupid people walk past.

Thanks Otis for the Perfect Song for my day!