11 September 2010

I Hate Computers and Drunk College Freshman.

Well, yesterday was pretty entertaining.  First my laptop decided that the Internet wasn't going to work that day.  At all.  Then my desktop thought it would be fun to just not turn on at all so I couldn't check to see if it was the Internet or my laptop that was the problem.  iTunes got in on the fun and glitched out so that I need to reinstall it, but it wont let me delete it.  And I still can not get my printer to work with my laptop.

I took the dog to the vet and he was all good until the poo sample came back wormy which means pills and farting, and gross poop till he is better.  He is turning into a little terror, and acting just like little dogs do.  Much training is in order, if only I had the time.

Milwaukee's Pantherfest is gross.  It is like the worlds biggest house party, with the cops already there.  I work at Summerfest as a security guard and having to pat down and search my classmates was not fun.  But the comments and excuses we get are pretty hilarious.

Some examples:

The first was said by a drunk girl talking loudly to her friend on the phone when we would not let her in because she didn't have a ticket.  When she was saying this she was very pissed off and though what she said sound logical, she just couldn't understand it..."Apparently it doesn't mater that I am a student at UWM and your not, it only matters if you have a ticket or not."  Well, Duh.

This second was said by another drunk girl when we told her she was to drunk to enter.  She approached the gate, almost tipping over twice, fell into her boyfriend who also almost tipped over, and then told her to shush and look sober right in front of us..."No really, we are fine right now, we are fine! (tips over and boyfriend stands her upright)  I'm totally fine.  I didn't drink anything!"

This last example was pretty awesome.  Guy was trying to get back in after he left..."I have to get to my car, I parked it over there. (points to Lake Michigan)" Security guard, "That's the lake.  You parked in the lake?"  Guy, "Yeah, yeah, that's where I parked it.  Over there.  Can I go?" Security guard, "No."

I wish I could record these idiots and then put a video up here.  It is not really possible to convey the ridiculousness of these statements.

Today, I have to go back there for Indian Summer and it is pouring and cold and yucky.  I would much rather be getting my homework done for this week so that I can focus on the barn stuff I am supposed to take care of this week.  Just have to keep repeating, last weekend, last weekend..... and remind myself I am getting paid to do this crap. 

Wow.  this Blog thing is a great way to vent annoyance, but I will not always be using it for that I hope.  I will leave you with a little something fun from Questionable Content!