24 September 2010

Finally Friday

I love this weather.  It's windy and cold and it might rain, but it is sunny two seconds later.  I love the wind.  I love the sound it makes and the feel of it on my skin.  I love how it feels good if its hot or cold or even freezing.  I love how when its blowing really hard, it feels like it is trying to pull my hair.  The only thing i don't love about the wind, is when it blows acorns at my car like they were being shot out of paintball gun.  Not cool.

I haven't walked the dogs yet today, or ridden my horse, but i am planning on getting out there after i help my mom out around the house a little bit and get my room in order.  Right now, the dogs are self excersising by running laps around my living room.  And now, into my parents room.  The cats just watch them from high up, thinking they are crazy.

I am super excited to go to the badger game tomorrow even though i don't really own any red...  And I have been told that I am not allowed to bring any reading material of any kind to the game, which means i will be peppering my dad and his friends with questions about what going on because i do not understand football at all.  I totally get soccer, baseball, hockey, and even rugby.  Football is a mystery to me.  And, because i played rugby in college, I will admit to finding football players a little soft. But I still think it will be a good time and it will be super nice to get out of the area for a little bit.  Even if we do have to leave here at seven am.