18 March 2011

Wow, I Feel Like A Jerk

Welp, I broke up with Don.  And I feel terrible about it.  I wish that he had been some asshole, meany, person like Michael was so I would feel good about doing it but I do not.  He is a genuinely nice guy, and a great person but the timing was completely wrong.

I except partial responsibility for that although when I started the relationship I wasn't planning to go to Korea anymore.  I should have kept in mind my amazing ability to become single minded and go for something while thinking of no one else's feelings but my own.

Still, wishing to feel better about this is a silly thing to do and in the end, breaking up now is better then staying together and getting closer over the next six months only to leave then.  This is kinder for everyone involved in the end, even if it still sucks now.

St. Paddy's was fun, I guess.  I wish I cold have stayed out a little later and at the same time I am glad I didn't.  I don;t like to get super drunk at the bars anymore, especially in Milwaukee when there are about three hundred people in one bar.  It was great to see Amanda and be able to get out of the house for a bit, but being out just made me wore determined than ever to continue working out and getting healthy.

So far I have been keeping up with my exercises for the last week.  I did skip yesterday, so that will be my second skip day this week.  I am really trying to listen to my body and if I am not to sore and worn out after my first workout of the day, I have been going back to do a second before I go to sleep at night.  I am finding that it is kinda helping me sleep a little better although my back still hurts like crazy.

Got a call from target today, so I am calling them back as soon as I get off of here,  The work is for third shift which kinda sucks, even if I do get an extra dollar an hour.  Also, after the first few months I would be switched to working 4 am-noon or something like that so I don't know.  It's only for the summer so I may as well go for it and get it over with.  At nine bucks an hour 40 hours a week I would be able to make about $1,400 a month before taxes.  If they take out the $400 each month then by the time I go to Korea I will be able to make a total of about $5,000 before I go to Korea.

I better get off of here and call them!