01 March 2011

Yay, Its March!

Well, after the first excitment of the weather warming and stuff melting being killed by the additional 16 inches of snow that was recently dumped on us, I feel that March has promise.  First off, I have decided on a backup plan if I can't find a real job soon.  I think that Culinary School could be a great fit for me and it has more job oppotunities then my current degrees.  Also, Kim and I have located two very good opptions for living aragments come june.

That being said, I woke this morning to an email, requesting I turn in an application at Epic Industries, which is located in madison.  The jobs they have available sound amzing and they actually follow what I went to school for as well as actually requiring a college degree, two big pluses in my recent job serch experiance.  However, they would require my relocation to madison if I get the job, so maybe Dana and I can move in together....

The description of this pace did make me giggle a bit and I have included their little explanationa dn a photo or two... Enjoy:
We love our 800-acre campus — it's a blend of pastoral and urban, of Midwestern charm and a quirky sensibility that's uniquely Epic. Located on picturesque farmland 20 minutes from Madison, it's somewhat difficult to describe.

Epic uses sustainable materials, obtaining them from local sources whenever possible. We recycle approximately 65% of our construction waste, and the geothermal system we use to heat and cool our buildings is one of the largest in the country.
And we still have a working farm. With cows.

Since we need to look outside ourselves and to the future, we've named our buildings with astronomy in mind. Who wants a cubicle in "Building A" when you can have an office in Andromeda?

And with this many people and buildings, it's easier to find your way with unique themes. If you're in the jungle, you know you're in Deneb. The springtime garden tells you Ganymede, and the New York subway takes you to Fomalhaut.
Some people even get to work in Heaven - the theme is High Tech Toys!
Artwork in all of our buildings is hand chosen by staff members during Madison's annual Art Fair on the Square, with some bonus finds from garden stores and flea markets. It's less expensive, more interesting, and a lot more fun than having professional designers choose for us.
Park here. Or, rather, under here. This is the top of our underground parking garage, covered with green trees, garden beds, and a meandering stream. The walking paths get us between buildings on nice days.
No car? No worries. You can take a Madison Metro Transit bus, which will drop you off at our front door. Or, hop on your bike and ride the Military Ridge Bike Trail directly to our campus. Even in winter, the trail is cleared by 4:30 am.
One of our many hangouts, The Black Dragon is a French café in summer and an English Tea room in winter. We offer locally roasted coffee, a variety of loose teas, and pastries from our own kitchen.
And it just gets more awesome....
If you need a place to escape or do some serious project planning, take the rope bridge over to our tree house. It's made of leftover construction material, and it looks like kids built it because, well, kids did. No pagers allowed.
A hub of activity, Grand Central Station is a place to post announcements and read about community events.
It's also home to Turner's General Store, the New York Sock Exchange, and Epic's Outpost. Grab some munchies, drop off your laundry, join a club, or book passage on an adventure trip.

Like I said, Sweet.  Or should I say Epic?