16 March 2011

Getting On It

Korea Here I Come!
Over the last few days I have working hard to get everything I need organized to turn in to the person working on my application for Korea.  I have also been trying to prep myself in general to travel halfway around the world and live for a year.  So far, this is my To-Do List:
  1. Take a decent and professional-looking picture of myself to give to my Canadian contact to put in my file.
  2. Have 30 minute phone conversation with my Canadian contact to get any questions I have answered and to answer their questions and find out next step.
  3. Figure out how to obtain my FBI Criminal Background Check.
  4. Obtain Passport.
  5. Fill out the Korean Immigtration Health Survey.
  6. Contact the Korean Consulate in Chicago to get my forms turned in.
  7. Get 5 copies of my transcripts and have them noterized.
  8. Purchase an Adaptor for my laptop.
  9. Get six copies of my Passport photo.
  10. Get three recommendation letters from my professors.
  11. Photocopy EVERYTHING.
  12. Finish TEFL Class
  13. Finish Grammer certificate.
  14. Teach self Korean.
Reading over this list kinda makes me feel like a spy.

Anyway, so far I have done nothing on this list.  I am working on the TEFL class and am halfway done.  I am going to sit down and do the whole class for the grammer cerifitcate in one to two days and get it over with.  I also am going to save all of it to use as a reference for myself when teaching.  They explain things in a very simplistic way that will be great for teaching non-English speakers.

As for teaching myself Korean, I borrowed Rosetta Stone Korean from a friend and I have been working on it the past few days.  The biggest difficulty I am having is that nothing is the same as English. The letters aren't even the same.  While this may seem like a "no shit" moment, it made me think of something I hadn't about teaching them my language.  They will have to learn a whole new alphabet with no similarities to their own.

I am taking my photos today to send in for my file and I am going to get my passport today or tomorrow.  I have an appointment to talk to the person handling my application on monday to get some of my questins answered.  Otherwise, everything will hopefully fall into it's own time.  Anyone want to take a trip to Chicago with me if I have to visit the Korean Consulate?

In Other Parts of My Life....

I have been working out like a fiend and I will be posting two food entries on my food Blog today about the great, healthy meals I made the last few days. Every couple days I have to take a break and eat up all the leftovers I have.

My goal is to work out two times a day, five days a week and drop about twenty pounds by my birthday, May 16th.  If I succed in this, I am giving myself two of the items on my wish list from Mod Cloth.  After my birthday, I want to continue to get healthy over summer so that by the time I go to South Korea, I am within twenty to thirty pounds of my goal.  I bet I will be able to loose the rest while I'm over there.

The weather is finally warming up and I am more and more excited to get out in the garden to get started on planting and weeding and clearing.  I really hope that the next few days of warm will get rid of the snow and let me start clearing out the back woods.

I am halfway done with my spring cleaning housework and I have my full checklist of things that need to get done this spring drawn up.  I am not putting that up here because it's over four pages long, but I'll let you know when I finish something.

I have applied at target for third shift and I am applying at walmart today.  These are just to get me through the summer and to help me pay my expenses and have some spending cash over in South Korea.

I am also starting a "picture and song of the day page" on here, made up of pictures I enjoy at the moment, followed by a song that I am particularly in love with that day.