09 April 2011

Day 1

Well, today I was up at 4 am and showered and out the door by 5, ready for my first day at Target.  I spent the beginning of my day taking down a display of cameras only to find that none of the merchandise I was supposed to replace it with was in stock.  So, I replaced everything I had spent an hour taking down.  Then I set up a Lego display and headed home.

I was dead on when I made guesses about the people I would be working with overnights.  They are either guys that remind me of Zero and send creeper vibes out like a sun going supernova, or they are women with less than average intelligence who all hang out after work at the bars and need to learn to bathe.  The only other group I noticed were the guys who are close to my age or younger and have to many tattoos or really gross dirty dreads and would never be able to work in daylight or customers would complain.

It's great. I can zone out and think about whatever I want.  None of the conversations they have are difficult for me to follow with only part of my brain, and the work is crazy easy.  I am making money doing pretty much nothing.  I can't wait to tell them I am leaving, but I could definitely be doing worse work, like McDonald's.

I realize saying these things makes me sound conceded and cruel.  I want to make it understood that I do like all the people I have met so far at work.  They are all really friendly and nice, so far.  I have too much experience working in places like this to become their friend however.  The drama and crazy rumors that are spread in a work environment like Target are ridiculous and I am going to avoid them at all costs, even if it means remaining aloof.

I am describing the people I work with this way to prove a point.  Target and other corporations like them all say that they love diversity, and that they go out of their way to hire a diverse group.  Then they hide all the most "diverse" people on the night shift where no one can see them.  And the only ethnically diverse people I saw there were working on the cleaning crew, cleaning bathrooms and emptying the trash.  Real diverse.

Overall though, the people are nice, if kept at a distance, and the work is simple and easy to zone out while doing.  I start overnights in the beginning of may, until then I work the early morning shifts.  Just need to get the paychecks so I can pay off my debt, and buy the stuff I need for Korea, and have $1,000 left over at the end of summer.