27 April 2011

Days Equal Dollars

Another four am work day, and more money for me.  I spent five hours organizing a display of soap and toothpaste.  not exactly invigorating work but it gives me time to talk to the people I am working with and to think about things I need to get done.

Here is what I have so far:

  1. Finish last section of class and do the two extra sections
  2. Get cats teeth cleaned
  3. Paint mural in office upstairs
  4. Plant lettuce and spinach in garden this weekend, rain or shine
  5. Go through closet and organize clothing for spring
  6. Continue running each day
  7. Start to purchase things for Korea
  8. Get all my paperwork organized and ready to turn in (also email Platteville twice a day till I get a response)
  9. Organize family photo albums and replace broken ones
That is what I have for the next week or so.  My energy levels are a little off because of the strange schedule but I am pushing through it.  Oh, I did find time to finish up the web page I am going to use while I am in South Korea.  I put a link to it on the left.

And speaking of pushing through, I have pushed through my weight loss plateau and I am gaining speed again.  Super excited.  Ten more pounds and I am buying new pants for work.  Ten more pounds and I will fit in the new dresses I bought from Mod Cloth for this summer.  All of this is super exciting and it is pushing me to work even harder at losing weight and getting in shape.  Even more exciting to me is the return of my love of running.  I used to love to run just for the fun of it and for a very long time I couldn't do that.  My stamina and speed is coming back and I am realizing just how much I missed it.  Can't wait for the weather to finally warm up and dry out so I can start running outside with the dogs.