08 April 2011

Ups And Downs

Tomorrow at 5:30 am I start work at Target.  Not thrilled but at least I will finally have a paycheck again.  And the one person I met at training is at least entertaining if not very smart.  And I find his tattoos interesting.  I feel old starting work with a bunch of 18 and 19 year old's, but it will surprise the hell out of everyone when I leave at the end of the summer.

I will be switching to working 10 pm to about 7 am Sunday through Thursday.  I get every Friday and Saturday off which means I'll be able to go camping and visit friends every weekend.  

I lost about five pounds this week... and when I woke up this morning I had gained it all back.  Guess this means I will just have to try for three mile runs.  I think that by next week I will be able to pull those off.  Also, with working full time moving shelves and boxes and organizing, I will be physically active pretty much all day.  With that and the working out and dieting, I should be loosing weight regularly with less fluctuations.

As for the stuff for Korea, it's all moving along.  I have another lesson finished up, and I have most of the lists of what I need to bring or buy.  I still need to hear back from Platteville on some questions (big surprise) and then I think I have everything set until May.

Summerfest and Target and Dog Walking are going to consume most of my summer.  But, I kinda feel like then I am taking a year long vacation.  I know teaching is going to be hard and stressful, but I will be in South Korea, seeing something new everyday.