18 April 2011

Basics Of Me

The following is a list of memories and random facts about me.  I didn't really have anything else to talk about but these are pretty interesting.  At least to me ;)

I like V-8 and always have. Kids used to call me a vampire when I drank it in school.

I have owned over 50 pets in my lifetime. Not counting fish, I've owned 37 gerbils, several small lizards, 21 cats, 8 dogs, 3 rabbits, 1 bird, and 1 horse. I am a great owner I just have a thing for the small and weak and old pets.

I am adopted, I have one brother who I grew up with, that I am not related to, but love more than life.  I also have 2 half sisters I am trying to get to know, and four half brothers who, until very recently, didn't know I existed.

I have ADD, which is not a surprise to anyone who knows me.

I have very few great friends, but I prefer it that way.

I have no tolerance for people I consider stupid, petty, or not worth my time and I am not afraid to tell them I feel that way.

I hate math, but I am actually pretty good at it despite what my friends think.

I find females to be annoying and untrustworthy.

I played the piano for 9 years and the cello for 12. I wish I could start up again.

I hope to finish the novel I am writing before I am 30.

I am still friends with the first 4 people I was ever friends with, though we have grown apart a little.

I hate pineapple. It makes me gag.

I come off as a tomboy, and I most definitely am a tomboy, but I own more makeup and dresses then most of my friends.

I secretly want a Mohawk and I have a weak spot for any male that has one.

My friend and I used to eat paper. We even identified the different flavors of paper.

I have a huge extended family and I always feel like the black sheep.

I have major trouble trusting anyone, which has been a problem all my life. If you gain my trust, I will fight to the death for you.  If you break it, I will never trust, nor talk, to you again.

I used to play sports. In my life I have been involved in: (in chronological order) ballet, figure skating, gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, softball, horseback riding, and rugby.

I don't think I have ever really been in love.  I also think that when I do really fall in love, it will happen fast and hard, and cause me all kinds of problems.

Without my glasses, I am almost blind.

I dance around the house like a crazy person to all kinds of music for a half hour at least once a day.

I am actually a neat freak but I can't focus long enough to clean anything.

I want to go to every country in the world once. I want to live in at least five countries for over a year.

I worry about my family all the time.

I am actually a very shy person suffering from a violent case of word vomit.
Some of these are secrets I keep from the world and some are secrets the world tried to keep from me.  Pretty much, these are the things in my life that are solid and never change, the basics of "Me."